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Couleur chairClairvoyantes - A Literary Oracle
104 pages | 5 avril 2022
Clairvoyants is a unique work, a gorgeous literary oracle spotlighting the fascinating world of fifteen female authors and promising readers and players a divination experience like no other.
Audrée Wilhelmy, who heads up this extraordinary project, has brought together a lineup of gifted Quebec writers whose voices blend seamlessly. Their texts, which describe different characters, places, and objects, are complemented by dazzling images created by photographer Justine Latour.
Available as a box set including forty-five playing cards and an interpretation book, Clairvoyants bears Alto’s inimitable stamp. After asking the oracle a question, the reader is invited to draw three cards—a character, a place, an object—which link to short texts written in surreal, dreamlike prose with a feminist bent. These texts combine to tell a story.
Players can also draw cards online through a platform specially developed by the design company Deux Huit Huit, making Clairvoyants the first digital literary oracle. The experience will also be recreated at various events thanks to a portable stage set that will go where fate takes it.
This whimsical literary venture is sure to attract fiction lovers, fans of tarot cards, and any curious souls eager to discover the art of divination.
Box set with 45 cards and a 104 page book
With : Mélikah Abdelmoumen, Stéfanie Clermont, Hélène Dorion, Louise Dupré, Dominique Fortier, Marie-Andrée Gill, Karoline Georges, Véronique Grenier, Catherine Lalonde, Perrine Leblanc, Catherine Leroux, Chloé Savoie-Bernard, Élise Turcotte, Christiane Vadnais, Audrée Wilhelmy and Justine Latour (photograph)
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