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Alea, c'est...
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(aparté), c'est...
La voix d’Alto. Un magazine où on découvre des inédits, des entretiens, des extraits, des confidences, des portfolios. Une infolettre qui propose à ses abonné·e·s des concours, des surprises et des primeurs. Un balado qui offre une fenêtre sur les métiers du livre et leurs aspects les plus méconnus. Merci de lire Alto. Merci de partager cet (aparté) avec nous.
Alto, c'est...
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Steve Poutré
Raw Milk
264 pages | 16 janvier 2024 | Couverture : © Marianne Chevalier
Rights held : World
The North American farm is not picturesque or peaceful. It is haunted by the dead, by ghost stories and family secrets, by stillborn chicks trapped inside their shell. Invisible cattle roam here, worn down by the endless grind of feeding the nation.
Among the shadows, a young boy walks between his shy elder brother and his wild younger brother, on the thin line between the fields and the woods. He eventually crosses the border, entering a strange land where eye floaters, tinnitus, and nightmares rule and where his fingerprints are lost. His body frozen, his mind ablaze, he finds himself in a psychiatric ward. But even from his hospital bed, he keeps wandering the farm grounds, looking for what is not yet lost.
Lait cru injects a healthy dose of Gothic into the old rural landscape. Appealing to both the senses and the heart, Steve Poutré’s writing unearths skeletons from the fertile soil and demons from the mind. This startling first novel questions the servitude that binds humans and animals together in a twisted and tender way. A glass of raw milk to be drunk in one gulp.
Le Journal de Québec
“ This novel proves itself to be simultaneously, instructive, carnal and poetic, and dwells with us a long time. ”
Le Devoir
“ Steve Poutré creates a profoundly olfactory and sensory universe through a hyper- (or hypo-?) sensitive character, who flees alienation by heightening the slightest dizziness, pain or sensation. The process clearly accounts for the overflow invading the farm and its inhabitants, who are suffocating under the cries, the feathers, the grain dust, the defections, the repetition.”
Steve Poutré
Steve Poutré est né en 1979. Il a grandi sur une ferme laitière, située à Saint-Ignace-de-Stanbridge, avant de s’exiler à Montréal pour amorcer une carrière de designer graphique. Après plus de vingt ans passés à mettre en page les mots des autres, il a choisi de partager dorénavant les siens. Lait cru est son premier roman. Aujourd’hui, Steve vit et écrit à Saint-Mathias-sur-Richelieu, où il a retrouvé ses horizons et ses racines.
Crédit photo : Bonnallie Brodeur
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