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Alea, c'est...
Un laboratoire éditorial, un terrain de jeu pour éditeur à la tête remplie de livres impossibles, sorte de secteur « recherche et développement ». Alea est un espace pour jouer et cultiver de nouvelles pousses.
(aparté), c'est...
La voix d’Alto. Un magazine où on découvre des inédits, des entretiens, des extraits, des confidences, des portfolios. Une infolettre qui propose à ses abonné·e·s des concours, des surprises et des primeurs. Un balado qui offre une fenêtre sur les métiers du livre et leurs aspects les plus méconnus. Merci de lire Alto. Merci de partager cet (aparté) avec nous.
Alto, c'est...
Un incubateur d’histoires, de romans, de récits en provenance du Québec, du Canada et du reste du monde. Nous aimons être surpris, nous aimons étonner, nous aimons détonner. Nous sommes éditeurs d’étonnant.
Larry Tremblay
168 pages | Septembre 2018
The famed writer Alice Livingston has died, leaving behind readers saddened by her disappearance, an unpublished manuscript, a son who has run as far away from his father as possible and Antoine, a husband who never liked her work anyway. But Alice’s last novel will shatter his world, bring him to his knees and force him to face his past and the dark secrets that inhabit it. For sometimes, even fiction can weave a treacherous and vengeful trap for those who remain. Everybody, including the reader, will be struck by the dramatic ending of this twisted and poignant tale of betrayal by the author of The Orange Grove (Winner of the Bookseller Prize).
Talon Books
Larry Tremblay
Larry Tremblay is a writer, stage director, actor and Kathakali specialist. Translated into a dozen languages, his theatrical works have been staged in many countries and have garnered numerous literary prizes. In 2006, Gallimard published Piercing, a collection of his short stories. His bestseller, The Orange Grove, has been translated in 19 countries and adapted as a play.
Discover his universe: larrytremblay.ca/portrait/
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