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Le fil du vivantNos auteur•rice•s
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Alea, c'est...
Un laboratoire éditorial, un terrain de jeu pour éditeur à la tête remplie de livres impossibles, sorte de secteur « recherche et développement ». Alea est un espace pour jouer et cultiver de nouvelles pousses.
(aparté), c'est...
La voix d’Alto. Un magazine où on découvre des inédits, des entretiens, des extraits, des confidences, des portfolios. Une infolettre qui propose à ses abonné·e·s des concours, des surprises et des primeurs. Un balado qui offre une fenêtre sur les métiers du livre et leurs aspects les plus méconnus. Merci de lire Alto. Merci de partager cet (aparté) avec nous.
Alto, c'est...
Un incubateur d’histoires, de romans, de récits en provenance du Québec, du Canada et du reste du monde. Nous aimons être surpris, nous aimons étonner, nous aimons détonner. Nous sommes éditeurs d’étonnant.
Marie Hélène Poitras
(Suddenly The Minotaure)
192 pages | Novembre 2024 | Couverture : Henrik Uldalen
In this terse, prize-winning novel, Marie Hélène Poitras, with an imagination tutored by the Minotaur myth, offers a controversial tale about a thug who exults in his ferocious urges and is as incorrigible as a primal force. Torrès (the bull) enthusiastically and unapologetically seeks hectic transcendence through rape and recurring fits of epilepsy. Ariane (Ariadne), straying into his twisted, downtown Montreal labyrinth, suffers the consequences of his random sexual predation, though significantly, her refusal to be a terrorized and passive victim haunts him.
Ariane’s deliverance from his maze, her conquest of persistent fears, is prolonged past her assailant’s capture. Once more she must learn to live and love – in particular, men – to pick up and follow the thread of human trust, to feel sure again about her flat’s dark places and her walk-in cupboard’s contents. On the site of the Berlin Wall, in a reunified Germany that has survived its own and other regimes’ violent perversions, she permits herself to be gently hoisted up and passed from palm-to-palm over a vast and joy-filled crowd.
Marie Hélène Poitras
Born in 1975, Marie Hélène Poitras received the Anne-Hébert Award for her first novel Soudain le Minotaure. La mort de mignonne et autres histoires (2005) was short-listed for the Quebec Booksellers Award. In 2012, she published Griffintown, a novel inspired by the Montreal neighbourhood of the same name, winner of the France-Quebec Award and a finalist for the Ringuet Prize. La desiderata is Poitras’ third book with Alto.
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