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MaleficiumNos auteur•rice•s
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Alea, c'est...
Un laboratoire éditorial, un terrain de jeu pour éditeur à la tête remplie de livres impossibles, sorte de secteur « recherche et développement ». Alea est un espace pour jouer et cultiver de nouvelles pousses.
(aparté), c'est...
La voix d’Alto. Un magazine où on découvre des inédits, des entretiens, des extraits, des confidences, des portfolios. Une infolettre qui propose à ses abonné·e·s des concours, des surprises et des primeurs. Un balado qui offre une fenêtre sur les métiers du livre et leurs aspects les plus méconnus. Merci de lire Alto. Merci de partager cet (aparté) avec nous.
Alto, c'est...
Un incubateur d’histoires, de romans, de récits en provenance du Québec, du Canada et du reste du monde. Nous aimons être surpris, nous aimons étonner, nous aimons détonner. Nous sommes éditeurs d’étonnant.
Martine Desjardins
(A Covenant of Salt)
208 pages | Août 2012 | Couverture : Frantisek Drtikol
In an isolated corner of the township of Armagh, East of Quebec City, the heiress to the only salt mine in the country is about to open her doors to an artisan who, over a ten-year period, sculpted a most curious funeral monument for her family. Powered by a literary alchemy that blends historical fact and legend, this novel explores, through the phantasmagorical representation of the characters, the individual and collective pitfalls of our memory.
World English rights
Talon Books
Éditions Phébus
La Presse
“A complex work, inspired by both History and legend, L’évocation […] is first and foremost a work of detailed psychology, intricate lacework in the most precise and classicalstyle.”
Le libraire
“Revelation could just as easily be the title of this novel, a veritable diamond formed deep in the mind of a writer who is as discreet as she is gifted.”
Martine Desjardins
Martine Desjardins was born in Mont-Royal, Québec, where she still lives with her fox-terrier Winnie. After studying languages, Russian and Italian, as well as comparative literature, she began freelancing for several magazines. Lavishly written, her books are often filled with twisted humor and a touch of quirkiness. She is a Governor General Award finalist (Maleficium) and two time Jacques Brossard Prize winner (Maleficium, The Green Chamber).
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