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La Cité obliqueQuand viendra l'aube
104 pages | 27 septembre 2022 | Couverture : Stéphanie Robert
During a stormy summer following her father’s death, Dominique Fortier keeps a journal in which she explores the power of memories to outlive us and expand our reality. She records the mysteries, great and small, that surround us and mark our lives: a river flowing backward, birds that speak, a fog that lifts like a curtain rising, a half-broken watch, and enough questions to last a lifetime. Quand viendra l’aube summons the voices of François Villon, Emily Dickinson, and Rebecca Solnit to illuminate grief. Within these pages, the author of Paper Houses and Ombres blanches delivers a deeply personal and moving testimony tinged with shades of blue, the color of nostalgia, emptiness, and the sky at dawn, when shadows fade and ghosts reveal themselves for what they are: memories that refuse to die.
Rights held : World except France